The 13th Convocation will be held on 7th February 2025. DR. S.V. SINGH, OMBUDSPERSON - E-mail ID:



  • M.B.B.S.
  • M.D. (Community Medicine)




Total teaching experience more than 16 years

Thrust areas are epidemiology, research methodology, MCH, and injury prevention.




  • Member of the Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM): 4331
  • Member of the Indian Public Health Association (IPHA): L/2020/UP/8466
  • Member of the Epidemiology Foundation of India (EFI): L.M. No. 00296
  • Member of the Indian Association of Epidemiologists (IAE): L.M. No. 544
  • Ex-member of the state AEFI committee. Deptt. Of Medical Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh, 2019–20.




  • Experience in management, implementation and monitoring of primary health care pro-gramme, under the Re-orientation of Medical Education Scheme of the Govt. of India, i.e. Immunization Services, Family Welfare Services, Primary eye care services, Health Edu-cation and Nutrition Education, in 15 villages of Aligarh District (U.P.).


  • SHORT COURSE ON EPIDEMIOLOGY: Attended the “Short Course on Epidemiology” organized by Community Health Department, St. Stephen’s Hospital in collaboration with Christian Medical College, Vellore; Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and RNTCP, Delhi. 2nd-4th March2008.



  • Journal reviewer for the Bulletin of the World Health Organization
  • Journal reviewer for the Indian Journal of Community Health
  • Journal reviewer for the International Journal of Health and Allied Sciences
  • Journal reviewer for Public Health and Epidemiology





  1. An abstract titled “A population-based study on injuries in rural and urban areas of Aligarh”, published in Injury Prevention 2010; BMJ: 16 (Suppl 1):A1–A28910.1136/ ip.2010.029215.544.ISSN:1475-5785
  2. An original paper titled “Knowledge and perception of community regarding mosquito-borne diseases in a coastal rural area of South India”. SHN Zaidi, P Sukla, J Ramasamy. Published in Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development (double blind peer reviewed indexed international journal). Oct-Dec., 2012, Vol. 3, No. 4. p57-61.ISSN:0976-0245.
  3. An original paper titled “Injury pattern in children”. Zaidi SHN, Khan Z, Khalique N. Published in Indian Journal of Community Health. Vol. 25. No. 1. Jan-Mar 2013. p45-51. ISSN2248-9509.
  4. A review article titled “Polio eradication in India: New initiatives in sanitation”. Sukla P, Sharma KD, Rana M, Zaidi SHN. Published in Indian Journal of Communi-ty Health. Vol. 25. No. 1. Jan-Mar 2013. P74-76. ISSN:2248-9509.
  5. A letter to Editor titled “Hepatitis E: Risk and Prevention”. Shrivastava PS,Shrivas-tava SRBL, Ramasamy J, Zaidi SHN. Hepatitis E: Risk and Prevention. Int J Prev Med. Dec, 2014; Special issue 3:231-2.ISSN:2008-7802
  6. An original paper titled “Health and Psycho-social problems of elderly persons in rural area of Andhra Pradesh”. Sukla P, Zaidi SHN, Sharma KD. Published in Indi-an Journal of Public Health Research and Development (double blind peer re-viewed indexed international journal). Jan-Mar., 2015; 6(2):293.ISSN:0976-0245.
  7. An original research paper titled “Menstrual hygiene and sanitation practices among adolescent school going girls: a study from a South Indian town”. Zaidi SHN, Sivakami A, Jegadeesh Ramasamy D. Int. J. Community Med Public Health. Apr-Jun., 2015; 2:189-94. ISSN:2394-6032
  8. An original research paper titled “Risk perception and practice towards road traffic safety among medical students”. Zaidi SHN, Paul PC, Mishra P, Srivastav A. Int J Community Med Public Health 2017Jan;4(1):9-14. ISSN:2394-6032
  9. An original research paper titled “Awareness of Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1c) among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in a Diabetic clinic in Urban Allahabad”. Shrivastava A, Mishra P, Shrivastava N, Mishra S, Kumar V, Zaidi SNH, Shukla N, Mallicka. HECS Int J Comm Health Med Res 2018;4(2):61-64. ISSN: 2457-0117.
  10. An original research paper titled “Prevalence of hypertension and its associated risk factors in rural community of Barabanki”. Kumar V, Mishra S, Shrivastava A, Zaidi SHN. Int J Community Med Public Health 2020;7:893-7. ISSN:2394-6032





  • National Polio Surveillance Project(2003-2008)
  • Mobilized resistant urban communities in Aligarh for Polio mobilization, volunteered for many campaigns. Supervised a number of health camps organized by department of Community medicine itself and in conjunction with UNICEF, in and around Aligarh (esp. rural areas).
  • Supervised the health clinics as a Medical Officer established by department of Com-munity medicine in conjunction with UNICEF.
  • As a Deputy Project Coordinator deputed under project “CATA” (Concurrent As-sessment and Technical Assistance to districts, under the European Commission sup-ported Sector Investment Programme in the state of Uttar Pradesh), covered Moradabad and Rampur rural and urban areas.2006
  • As a Medical officer in project “Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness” (IMNCI) - Baseline assessment of childhood mortality and morbidity in Mathura district in Uttar Pradesh state-an IPEN Study). 23rd March –12th April2007.
  • As a Resource person in the Regional Level Workshop on RTI/ STI for Medical Officers, UPSACS & Department of Community Medicine, J.N.Medical College and UP State AIDS Control Society (Lucknow) for Medical Officers, Staff Nurses and Laboratory Tech-nicians, 2008.
  • Participated and organized various yearly National health related events.