World Organ Donation Day was celebrated at Santosh Hospital Ghaziabad on September 22, 2023. The event was inaugurated by Honourable Chairman Dr P. Mahalingam. The function had a total gathering of around 130 people including Santosh University Chancellor and Vice-chancellor, members of senior management, faculty members and students from various specialities including PG, MBBS, Nursing and other staff members.
The event was organized to raise awareness about the importance of organ donation and to make people aware of the misconceptions and myths related to organ donation.
Dr Mahalingam in his inaugural address highlighted the importance of organ donation and urged everyone to pledge to be an organ donor. He said that organ donation is a life-saving gift that can give a new lease of life to people suffering from organ failure.
Dr Ashok Kumar, Head of Department of General Medicine, Santosh Medical College, gave a presentation on the topic of organ donation and transplantation. He explained the different types of organs that can be donated, the eligibility criteria for organ donation, and the process of organ donation and transplantation. He also addressed some of the common myths and misconceptions about organ donation.
Dr A.K. Seth, Head of Department of Psychiatry, Santosh Medical College, gave a talk on the psychological aspects of organ donation. He discussed the common fears and concerns that people have about organ donation and how to overcome them. He also emphasized the importance of family support in organ donation.
The event concluded with a panel discussion on the topic of organ donation and transplantation. The panelists included Dr Mahalingam, Dr Kumar, Dr Seth, and Dr Manish Sabharwal, Medical Director, Santosh Hospital. The panelists answered questions from the audience on a variety of topics, including the legal and ethical aspects of organ donation, the role of the media in promoting organ donation, and the ways to overcome the challenges of organ donation in India.
The event was a success and generated a lot of interest among the participants. The speakers and panelists provided valuable insights into the topic of organ donation and transplantation. The participants appreciated the opportunity to learn from experts in the field and to engage in a meaningful discussion on these important issues.
We all have the power to save lives through organ donation. Let us all pledge to be an organ donor and register for organ donation.