Santosh International

Santosh Deemed to be University is dedicated to provide students with a world-class education that includes significant Research and Innovation through global collaboration in order to have the greatest global impact possible. Our goal is to draw attention to outstanding students from a variety of backgrounds across the world and prepare them for achievement and success in a competitive international employment market.

There are MOUs in place with foreign and Indian institutions, universities, and industries for academic and research collaborations and R&D Projects, with provisions for the establishment of specific exchange programs beneficial to the respective educational institutions, as well as joint teaching and research programs, training activities, and other academic exchanges of mutual interest.

These collaborations make our campus one of the most diverse and multicultural in the country. These collaborations effectively contribute to the rapidly growing knowledge and professional excellence of our students and faculty in the fields of Medicine and Dentistry. The University with its various Medical and Dental departments is charged with the responsibility of training individuals in various scientific skills, biomedical research, and clinical education for the purpose of serving the nation.

The University as on data has over 85 MoUs with reputed International Universities, Industries, Hospitals, Medical Education Hubs and NGOs worldwide for various kinds of academic and research engagements.

Santosh Deemed to be University Collaborates with Leading Indian and Foreign Universities, Institutions, and Industries

International Collaboration