Journal of Health Sciences

The Journal

Santosh University Journal of Health Science (SUJHS) open access(ISSN-Print Onlinel 2455-1732) peer-reviewed Half-Yearly Journal publishing in 2015 and is published under auspices of the "Santosh University Journal of Health Sciences" With the aim of faster and better dissemination of knowledge, we will be publishing the article ‘Ahead of Print’immediately on acceptance. In addition, the journal would allow free access (Open Access) to its contents, which is likely attract more readers and citations to articles published in SUJHS.

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Editorial Office

Prof. Dr. V. N. Mahalakshmi
Vice Chancellor
Vice-Chancellor, Santosh Deemed To Be University
No. 1, Santosh Nagar, Pratap Vihar Ghaziabad, U.P

Published by

Wolters Kluwer India Private Limited.
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Phone: 91-22-66491818

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Parksons Graphics Pvt. Ltd.
Mumbai, India
Santosh University Journal of Health Sciences | Volume 7 | Issue 21 July-December 2021

Editor in Chief

Prof. Dr. V. N. Mahalakshmi

Associate Editors

Dr. Gajendra Gupta

Dr. Jyoti Batra

Assistant Editor

Dr. Rajiv Ahluwalia

Dr. Sarita Agarwal

Dr. Rohit Bhagat

Dr. Gunjan Gulati

Dr. Mayurika Tyagi


Dr. Manoj Goyal

Dr. Shalabh Gupta

Dr. Alka Agarwal

Dr. Akshay Bhargava

Executive Committee

Dr. Manisha Gupta (Medical)

Dr. Veenu Aggarwal (Medical)

Dr. A. K. Seth (Medical)

Dr. V. K. Garg (Medical)

Dr. Ashok Sharma (Medical)

Dr. Amit B Lall (Dental)

Dr. Natasha (Dental)

Dr. Deepika Agarwal (Medical)

Dr. Sivanesan Dhandayuthpani (Research)

Dr. Ashok Kumar (Medical)

Dr. Amit Diwedi (Medical)

Dr. Neeraj Grover (Medical)

Dr. Sumita Giri (Dental)

Dr. Nidhi Gupta (Dental)

Associate Editor

Dr. Gajendra Gupta
MD Community Medicine
Prof. of Preventive and Social Medicine (PSM)
Santosh Medical College, Ghaziabad
Mob: 9868459936

Dr. Jyoti Batra
MSc. Ph.D. Clinical Biochemistry
Prof. of Biochemistry & Dean Research
Santosh Medical College
Mob: 9810062573

Assistant Editors

Dr. Rajiv Ahluwalia
MDS, Orthodontics, Dean Student Welfare
Prof. and HOD Orthodontics
Santosh Dental College, Ghaziabad

Dr. Gunjan Gulati
MBBS, MS, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology SMCH, Ghaziabad
Mob: 7503647099

Dr. Mayurika tyagi
MD, Pathology, Prof. IHBT, SMCH, Ghaziabad
Mob: 8476000790

Dr. Sarita Agarwal
MBBS, MD Optha
Prof. of Surgery, Dept.of Opthalmology, SMCH, Ghaziabad
Mob: 9810972539

Dr. Rohit Bhagat
MD, Medicine
Associate Prof. in Medicine, SMCH, Ghaziabad
Mob: 9899574180
Santosh University Journal of Health Sciences Volume 10 | Issue 1 | January-June 2024

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