The basic Laparoscopy skills certificate course was conducted by the Department of General Surgery at Santosh Hospital, Ghaziabad, under the guidance of Dr. Shalabh Gupta, HOD General Surgery with course coordinator Dr. Naveen Solanki.
Mentorship by Dr. Tripta, Dr. Sameer Naqash, Dr. Anu Vibhu & Dr. Kasif Shahjada.
A 4-day workshop was conducted by the surgery department from 16th July-22 to 6th Aug-22 which covered the topics of:
1. Introduction to Laparoscopic Instruments and Armamentarium, Science of Tissue Management, Port creation, Pneumo-peritoneum and Introduction to insufflator, Angle’s in Laparoscopy (Azimuth’s, Manipulation & Elevation) on 16th July-22.
2. Applications of Laparoscopy (Surgery, Obs. & Gyne., Chest & T.B., Ortho. ENT), Sterilization and Cleaning of the Instruments, Hand-eye coordination with Hand on Practice on 23rd July-22.
3. Energy Sources used in Laparoscopy, Sutures, and Clips (Including Tacers) used, MIPH (Minimal Invasive Procto-Hemorrhoidectomy), Hands-on Practice on 30th July-22.
4. Hands-on Practice, Complications (Pre-, Intra- and Post- Operative), Examination (Viva-Voce and Endo-trainer) Felicitation, alongside Wet lab and vascular anastomoses were done on 6th Aug-22 that concluded with handing over the certificates by honorable ma’am Dr. T.S Bhagat and lunch for all.
No. of student participated I Value Added Course were 22.
A very good response was received from our participating final year Post Graduate students & very interactive Q&A sessions were conducted at the end of every lecture.
Planning more sessions so that the entire final year Post Graduates Students can benefit from the workshop.
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