A CME on “Gender Sensitization” was arranged on 29th February 2024 at Santosh Medical College & Hospitals between 2 PM- 4 PM on the 2nd Floor, Lecture Room, Santosh Medical College and Hospitals, Ghaziabad, arranged by the Department of Clinical Psychology which was attended by various medical faculties. The event started with a welcome speech by the host of the event Dr Niharika Arora, Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Psychology who was also the program coordinator for this event. The chief guest of the program was Dr Ashok Kumar, Professor & Head, Department of General Medicine, SMCH who addressed the session and presented his view on Gender Sensitization then the CME was addressed by the guest of honor Dr Manisha Gupta, Professor & Head, Department of Gynecology & Obstetrics, SMCH. She elucidated the concept of gender Sensitization after the inaugural ceremony.