DR. S.V. SINGH, OMBUDSPERSON - E-mail ID: ombudsperson@santosh.ac.in Appointment Notification for the Post of Vice Chancellor

Paramedic Workshop on Diabetes Awareness on World Diabetes Day

  • 2023-11-22

On 22nd November 2023 on occasion of World Diabetes day which occur on every Year 14th November, Department of General Medicine conducted a workshop for paramedical staff at Santosh Medical College and Hospital in association with Indian Medical Association, Ghaziabad under the Guidance of Dr. Ashok Kumar (Prof. and HOD General medicine) and Dr. Shivani Bansal (Prof. General medicine).Two lecturers were deliberated by Dr. Neha Gupta (Consultant General Medicine) and Dr. Aishwarya (SR General Medicine) on diagnosis, importance of screening, signs & symptoms, complications and monitoring the treatment.The workshop was attended by around 100 participants involving faculties, Nursing Incharge, Postgraduates, non-teaching staff members. Department of Medicine offered sincere thanks to all the Speakers, Chairpersons, Students and staff members for their interactive participation and making the event successful for spreading the awareness regarding Diabetes Mellitus.
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