The Phlebotomy session at the Skill Conclave was conducted from 2-3 PM at Hall B on 2.11.2022. The students were divided into two batches with Microbiology and Biochemistry conducting the sessions simultaneously. After half hour each the batches were swapped between the departments. Each session started with the presentation on Phlebotomy given by Dr.JuhiAggarwal, Head of Department, Biochemistry. The principles of phlebotomy were discussed by Dr. Eram.
The presentation introduced to the students the topic of Phlebotomy, its history and the duties of a phlebotomist. The presentation also illustrated the different types of tubes used in Phlebotomy and impressed upon the participants the importance and rationale of the order of draw to be followed while collecting a sample. The presentation illustrated the various sites for drawing blood and concluded with the common problems that may be encountered while drawing blood.
Following the presentation, the students were demonstrated the technique of phlebotomy on Mannequins by Mr. BhishmChaudhary, Senior Technician, Central Lab, Santosh Hospital. The different colour coded tubes were displayed and the analyte’s estimated in each tube was discussed. In addition, needles of different gauges were also shown to the participants. The students were given the hands-on opportunity to identify and palpate the vein, draw the blood from the mannequin and transferring the blood to different tubes. The ideal methods of phlebotomy was discussed during the demonstration and the questions raised by the participants were addressed after the demonstration. The session concluded with a group photo of the instructors and participants. The enthusiastic participation of the students encouraged the faculty to bring about various other biochemical techniques for hands on training.Dr. JUHI AGGARWAL, DR ERAM HUSSAIN PASHA & DR SANJUKTA NAIK Coordinators the event.