DR. S.V. SINGH, OMBUDSPERSON - E-mail ID: ombudsperson@santosh.ac.in Appointment Notification for the Post of Vice Chancellor

Publication and Ethics in Quality Journals as per National & International Guidelines

  • 2023-09-15

Central Research Facility organised a Hands on Training Workshop on “Publication and Ethics in Quality Journals as per National & International Guidelines” in collaboration with Amity University, Gurugram.

Prof. Dr Jyoti Batra (Dean Research) welcomed the Guest speaker Dr Sumit Narula (Prof & Director Amity School of Communication).

Ms Samragyi Juneja (MBBS) 1St Year introduced the speaker. Dr Sumit started his session by explaining the importance of catching fraud/misleading journals before publishing the manuscript. He presented live examples from different areas of medicine & dentistry where the fake journals were chosen instead of the correct one. He also explained the methodology to identify these & shared a list of fake journals available on the net.

It became an interactive session as he started about impact factor & h index. A number of queries were asked by faculty and PG students that were answered satisfactorily by the guest speaker.

The total no. of participants was 133 including faculty and PG’s.

The participants were also given the full understanding of various updated National Medical Commission (NMC) guidelines and medical databases like PUBMED, SCOPUS, EMBASE, DOAJ etc.

At the end, the participants were given access to an App named “Amity Quality Journal Checker” App that has the list of all these cloned and predatory journals.

A feedback form was circulated at the end to see the impact of the workshop.

For more information you can visit our website also: https://www.santosh.ac.in/

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