Dr. Manoj Goyal
Dr. Manoj Goyal
Message from the Pro Chancellor
We are on the threshold of completing, yet another landmark year in the history of ‘’Santosh ‘’. As we enter ‘’2025’’, we are going to enter our 30th year of glory & excellence in the field of Medical Education, Health Care Services & Research. The vision for the next milestone is to fortify our existing Infrastructure, an Eco-friendly Green campus with a prime focus on energy conservation, optimal use of resources, and judicious use of technology thereby enhancing Our performance and capacity building. In this pursuit, we will have a Dynamic curriculum, based on national needs and global trends with an emphasis on bringing innovation, critical thinking, faculty development programme, and staff welfare initiatives thereby promoting Translational research for a productive & memorable experience for our students, faculty and staff.
Prof.(Dr.) Manoj Goyal is the Pro-Chancellor of Santosh Deemed to be University. Prior to his current position, he served as Head of the Department, Dean (faculty) and CEO at Santosh Medical & Dental College Hospitals before taking over as the Chancellor of the University in July 2019 which he served till April 2024.
Dr. Manoj Goyal received his Masters in Maxillofacial Surgery from Amritsar in 1988. A meritorious clinician throughout, he worked at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi and Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi before he went on to complete his M.S. (Maxillofacial Surgery) at the University of London and FDSRCS (England) Royal College of Surgeons England both with top honours & MBA (Hospital Administration). He was awarded Gold Medal by Royal College of Surgeons (Ireland). He has vast international experience having worked and served at Eastman Institute of Dental Sciences, London, (UK ), UCL & QVH hospitals, London. He was instrumental in establishing the Maxillofacial unit at Santosh Medical & Dental College Hospitals, NCR, Delhi.
A Multifaceted Surgeon, hard-core Academician and Researcher indeed, his interest varies from TM Joint Surgery to Faciomaxillary Trauma & Implantology. He lectures extensively at international, and national conferences and workshops and is currently a distinguished AOCMF National faculty.
He has more than 65 Publications including both International & Nationals with a very high impact factor & Citation index.
During his illustrious career, he has won many medals, awards & accolades. He has guided Many postgraduate, Ph.D. and Research Projects.